B2B Wealth Industry Content & Journalism

Featured here are strategic content communications projects I completed with elite wealth and finance industry brands and media outlets as part of their external communications programs. It includes articles, blog posts, ebooks and position ('white") papers. I can help you develop strategic content that bolsters your brand position and elevates your executives as experts in their field, or helps you reach other business objectives. Contact me today for strategic content communications solutions and support.  

MiddleGround's SixAxis Deal is Part of its Commitment to ESG

MiddleGround Capital, the first industrials-focused signatory with assets under $1 billion for the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment, acquired SixAxis as part of its ESG investing strategy. Founded in 2002, SixAxis is a maker of highly engineered, compliance-driven industrials safety equipment based in Andrews, SC. (About the story: Because the PE firm liked my first story on its acquisition of HLC so much, I got the exclusive on this, which means I had to turn the story around in 36 hours. I chose the ESG angle for the piece, too.)

White Paper: Reaching Executive Women- An Overlooked — and Growing — Investor Segment

High net worth and ultra-high net worth executive women often get overlooked by wealth management advisors as viable clients. But, this multi-trillion dollar market is a growing—and lucrative—investor segment. From this white paper, advisors learn why this important investor segment has value to them and how to reach this market. [Co-authored with client.]

(Inclusion of this writing sample in my portfolio does not represent an endorsement of me or my work by FlexShares or Northern Trust.)

Using ESG as a Core Investment Option

We believe that one of the biggest challenges financial advisors often face with ETF investors is the latter's belief that ESG investing only needs to be a small part of their portfolios. Often, they're unconvinced that ESG is an optimal core option, preferring other more “traditional" choices. [In this blog post that I pitched to FlexShares, I tell wealth advisors how to educate their ETF investor clients on the importance of using ESG as part of their core investment strategy. When I wrote this in 2016, there wasn't such a deep understanding of ESG as there is today, so my thinking and writing about the subject were still innovative.]

How to Effectively Educate Your Bigger is Better Clients About the FlexShares ETF Difference

We believe FlexShares ETFs beneficial investor offerings include our growing innovative fund product lineup. Partnering with seasoned index investment professionals using quantitative research, our alternatively weighted indices and mixed asset classes provide investors with funds that are designed to help meet a variety of investor financial goals. But for many investors their most objective measure is quantitative—size. [This blog post, which I pitched and wrote for FlexShares, shows financial advisors how to educate clients on choosing measures other than size when evaluating ETF providers like FlexShares. When I wrote this 2016, there wasn't such a wide understanding of ESG as there is today, so my thinking and writing about the subject were still original.]

ESG and Social Labor Considerations

We believe that many of today's investors are seeking investments that put their hard-earned dollars into ETF portfolios that reflect their convictions about important social issues. They connect most with brands that apply ESG — or environmental, social, and governance considerations — in their daily operations. [This blog post pitched and written by me for FlexShares helps financial advisors inform clients how choosing ETFs that focus on ESG, particularly social labor considerations, align with their core value. When I wrote this 2016, there wasn't such a broad understanding of ESG as there is today, so my thinking and writing about the subject were still novel.]

Why Client Communication Is Key to Building Better Relationships with Women Investors

When working with any investor, financial advisors must excel at client communication. Clients want to feel that their financial advisors hear, respect, and value them—especially women investors. Women now control more than half of personal wealth in the US, roughly $22 trillion. As wealth gets transferred to more women over the next four decades, that number is projected to rise to nearly $29 trillion. Financial advisors must shift their client communication strategies to meet women investors' needs. Here's how. [Bylined blog post.]

Playbook: Customize your clients' ESG experience

Increasingly, investors are interested in aligning their investment portfolios around their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) values. Savvy financial professionals are taking essential steps to identify their clients' interests and values to help them meet their investing goals. This research-backed eBook shows financial professionals how to provide customized client experiences that meet their ESG investing requirements.

5 Keys to Mastering Client Communication and Building Better Relationships with Women Investors

Today’s women investors demand communication strategies customized to their needs. According to research from New York Life Investments (NYLI), 62% of women believe they have unique investment needs and challenges, and more than a third said it's extremely important that advisors meet them on their terms. Use these five keys to mastering client communication to help you build better relationships with women investors.

Understanding the CFP Board’s New Standard on Technology for Financial Planning Software

Recognizing it likely was overdue to provide robust technology standards for CFP® professionals, on October 1, 2019, the CFP Board unveiled its new Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. The regulations are effective now, but the CFP Board begins enforcing them on June 30, 2020. Read this ghostwritten post to learn more about how you become compliant to the new technology standards. [Ghostwritten blog post.]

How to Create the Foundation of Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Today’s financial planner faces multiple challenges in business development, especially when just getting started with digital marketing techniques. There are numerous digital channels that financial professionals can leverage to connect with prospective clients like never before, and create growth for their firm. Oftentimes, the key to success in any digital marketing initiative is taking a unified approach. This ghostwritten blog post shows financial planners the basics of digital marketing planning. [Ghostwritten blog post.]

Perfecting Your Client Service Model

The client’s experience is more important than ever. It’s vital during times of disruption to retain clients, and it’s imperative for the future of your business as technology gives firms fresh capacity to engage and delight clients. Research by eMoney isolated a group of firms that offered exceptional client experiences and found that they saw impressive results over the past five years. Learn more about how perfecting their client services model leads to this outcome. [Ghostwritten blog post.]

The Elements of Exceptional Client Service

Research from Cerulli shows client satisfaction is higher than ever—80 percent of investors are satisfied with their current advisor, while only one percent are dissatisfied. Yet, the exceptional client service bar is getting raised continually for financial professionals. Investors are pursing personalized advice more regularly since the pandemic began, and desire honesty and dependability from financial planners. Here's what clients expect from financial planners now. [This is a ghostwritten blog post.]

How a Crisis Accelerates the Need for Holistic Planning and Education for Clients

'A few months ago, I would have given a different answer to the question, “What do you see influencing the future of advice in the next 5 to 10 years?” But the coronavirus pandemic has permanently shifted priorities for most people, including investors and financial professionals.' Here's how a crisis makes more holistic planning and education for clients essential. [This is a *ghostwritten* blog post based on an interview transcript between Mr. Pirker and eMoney Advisor.]

The Importance of Data Aggregation Tools in a Virtual Work Environment

The pandemic has propelled us into a virtual-first world, accelerating the need for firms to move to fully digitized operations. Research by Celent shows that as your clients commit to staying at home, they expect your digital technology to be exceptional. Despite your staff staying home, too, clients expect seamless onboarding and remote communication to get prioritized. This ghostwritten blog post shows financial professionals how to enhance technology to suit client needs in a remote work environment. [Ghostwritten blog post.]

How to Manage Money in Marriage

Consider these statistics on marriage and money. In a 2013 survey by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, almost 36% of couples cited financial problems as the reason for their divorce, making money the fifth leading cause of divorce in the study. The same year, in an Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts study, 22% of advisors said financial difficulties were a root cause of divorce among their clients. Here's how to talk to clients—and get them talking about—money in marriage. (This project required turning a podcast transcript into a blog post.)

Resolving to Set Financial Goals

Every new year, 51% of Americans resolve to get their finances in order. But, like all New Year’s resolutions, making them is only the first step. It’s not enough for clients to say what they want to do financially—they have to know what steps to take to achieve those goals. In this episode, get insights into how to help clients reach their financial goals no matter what time of year it is. (This project required turning a podcast transcript into a blog post.)

Bridging the Gap Between Finance & Technology

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought with it trying economic times for clients and their advisors. Like during the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009, clients are rethinking their money decisions, monitoring their investments, and rebalancing their portfolios to weather the current economic storm. Clients now depend widely on technology to reassess their financial positions and goals. Here's what opportunities that presents advisors. (This project required turning a podcast transcript into a blog post.)

The Head, Heart and Hand of Financial Advice

In recent years, advisors have learned that there’s a strong connection between the head, the heart, and the hand when providing financial guidance. eMoney’s Heart of Advice Study identified ways the most successful advisors are using these concepts to deliver a great client experience. Getting to the core of what matters to your clients requires the right knowledge, technology, and personal connection. Here's how. (This project required turning a podcast transcript into a blog post.)
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