Selected Case Stories

Presented here in case story format are projects I've completed that aren't in my portfolio. They show you the value I can offer your firm with my strategic content and communications solutions.

Wealth Management Communications & Data-Driven Content Strategy

This section provides case stories that showcase my expertise in crafting high-impact, rigorously researched, and data-driven strategic content that fits seamlessly into the strategic content plans of wealth sector firms. 

My specialized skill set is particularly well suited for wealth management firms and middle-market to large national banks. 

These skills are highly sought in the private banking and wealth management divisions of U.S. and multinational banks where I've developed strategic content like that shown here (B2B) and here (B2C). My strategic content not only aligns with their business objectives but also helps them effectively engage their target audiences, building trust and establishing thought leadership in the industry.

Client Testimonial

Dahna and I have worked together on several projects for a financial client. Dahna has deep knowledge of the financial issues and interests of mass affluent and high net worth people, which has made her a good fit for these projects. She is also skilled at finding data and research to support her work. And she's a strong writer who is easy and pleasant to work with. I highly recommend her for data- and research-driven financial writing, as well as any financial writing that requires a solid understanding of mass affluent and high net worth consumers." —Lisa, Contently Managing Editor

Lisa requested I exclude her last name from this testimonial to protect her privacy. Contact me for verification of her recommendation.

Targeting Internal Leaders for a Banking Industry Consultancy

This banking consultancy had to convince its banking leader clients of the importance of credit risk mitigation training for bank employees. I helped them create editorial content covering specific risk management pain points leaders faced. It showed readers how the consultancy's corporate training programs addressed and reduced mistakes that lead to client distrust and government sanctions. It also showed leaders to collaborate to create a risk mitigation culture.

Corporate Communications and Content Strategy Projects

This section contains case stories of external communications strategy projects, and of a key component of corporate communications, strategic content communications. These case stories represent work I did with large nonprofits outside the finance industry. The skills used with these nonprofit clients are transferable to mid-middle-market, large wealth management, or private banking clients.