Strategic Thought Leadership Content Engagements

An accomplished strategic content development consultant, I collaborate with leading wealth management firms and private banks to cultivate high-impact thought leadership. 

My comprehensive engagements deliver authoritative, research-driven strategic content that credibly showcases your financial brand's expertise while aligning with the distinct financial mindset of your core investor audiences.

This content resonates meaningfully with mass affluent and emerging high-net-worth audiences through its sophisticated blend of academic rigor and investor psychographics. It also resonates with business audiences, particularly decision makers, since it informs decision-making and aligns with your communications strategy.

Intelligence Supported by Academic Rigor

Drawing from my academic background and rigorous dissertation research* on the wealth management industry, I bring a sophisticated level of data analysis and academic rigor. The insights offered in my white papers, business reports, blog posts, and policy papers are thoroughly substantiated with scholarly sources, proprietary studies, and competitive intelligence. I can work with your qualitative or quantitative research, too.

However, academic integrity is only half the equation. I apply a nuanced understanding of your core investor's attitudes, values, concerns, cultural contexts, and financial goals. I use the data we gather to generate narratives that connect with readers on a human level. The result is strategic content that inspires your readers to take action by deeply resonating with them on both an intellectual and emotional level.

* See my doctoral dissertation committee chair's recommendation here.

Strategic Content to Propel Brand Growth

My strategic content goes beyond just conveying information—it's purposefully designed to drive your key business priorities. From positioning thought leadership to nurturing investor relationships, every piece is constructed to fuel your overarching business goals.

I collaborate with you to take a holistic approach to strategic content development that fits seamlessly into your firm's strategic communications plan. Whether educating your readers, building brand equity, advancing an executive's thought leadership, or inspiring investors to take the next step, the content functions to accelerate your success.

Customized Content Engagements

All engagements start with consulting time to develop a specific strategy for each package. During that time, we'll collaborate to take your content vision from concept to completion through a customized strategic process. 

I'll work with you through each phase of the project, including research, developing a messaging framework, and providing expert writing, editing, and multi-format, cross-platform content development. 

Below are examples of what your strategic content engagements can include. Our initial consulting time will determine your exact requirements and we’ll customize each package to your needs.

    Solutions-Focused White Paper

    • Comprehensive analysis of target investor personas and roles
    • In-depth exploration of investor frustrations, challenges and key requirements
    • Detailed study of investor content needs, preferences, and decision-making processes
    • Synthesis of research into a compelling 15–20-page narrative-driven white paper
    • Visual element or infographic ideation and copy support

    Thought Leadership Content Bundle

    • Authoritative 1,500-2,500-word pillar or cornerstone content blog post
    • 3-5 supporting shorter-form blog posts highlighting key takeaways from the cornerstone
    • Strategic content mapping and hub-and-spoke topic model development
    • Data visualization, infographic, and social media content development support

    Business Report or Policy Paper

    • Extensive primary and secondary research
    • Practical insights and strategic recommendations
    • Comprehensive 10–30-page report/paper
    • Executive summary and presentation deck

    Your investment depends on the scope, timeline, and other elements of the engagement.

    Let's Collaborate

    Learn about my collaborative process here. Then, contact me to discuss how my strategic content packages can position your wealth management firm or private bank as a credible, authoritative voice that affluent investors return to consistently.